Green Party of Alaska’s General Assembly Meeting on January 26, 2021

The Green Party of Alaska (GPAK) met on Zoom on Tuesday and discussed the misinformation around hemp, the possibility of growing it in Alaska and creating a new industry around the plant. As former Kotzebue City Council member Tommy Fields has stated “all plants are here for a reason.” And there’s certainly more to hemp than the ever popular marijuana. For nearly a century a misinformation campaign has lead people to forget that The Founding Fathers of this country used hemp for their paper products and for their clothes. The GPAK is looking to be involved in Hemp Fest, an annual three day festival that takes place during the summer solstice.

This Sunday The GPAK is holding event on Zoom called Greens On Energy, an event focusing on the options and opportunities for the rapid transition to a 100% renewable future for Alaska. Energy has been important to Alaska for 60 years and the fact is The World is looking to move past energy systems based on coal and oil. Oil is becoming antiquated as we see its relationship to our environment cause chaos and the unpredictability of markets around The World and the pandemic leading prices to go into the negatives last year. This Sunday we’re having William C. Leighty of Alaska Applied Sciences Inc. and Nathan McCarthy of Solar on Earth confirmed to speak at the event.

With the pandemic raging on we’re looking to do more online events and perhaps get people together in the virtual world.Video games are often alluded to as useless distractions or even as a corrupting that causes people to go on rampages. The GPAK looks to get past the fear mongering and the propaganda and use it as a learning tool like every other form of media is used for. There’s much skill building that can be done in games like Minecraft and Second Life. There are people who play these games that build their cities and economies. We’re going to see what we can do create concepts and get people involved using video games.


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